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scott_d 3:34 Sat Apr 9
Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Received overnight from WHU:

Looks like all of us in block 217 have to relocate for the rest of the season...

I dont actually stand for the whole game like some do around us (except for the odd game: Seville, Lyon and I'm sure a couple of the bigger cup/league games), and obviously I dont have a problem with it.

But seems a bit excessive for the club to close a whole stand becuse a small group are standing throughout the game? Not sure if this happens in any of the other upper tiers?

Not sure if they are worried becuase of the drop from the bottom of the upper tier onto the concourse below?

Either way, not sure what we are going to do yet and wondered if anyone else has received a similar letter?


Dear Scott

As a Season Ticket holder who sits in Block 217, we wrote to you at the start of this season and again in December 2021 following instruction from the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) regarding the issue of persistent standing in your area and the potential safety risks - specifically regarding the drop at the front of the block and the potential risk of injury that may result from persistent standing.

Within our communications, we explained that the government agency Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) and Newham Council the Licensing Authority made it clear to the Club that everyone in Block 217 is required to be contacted to confirm that strong action is a serious possibility, including the block being closed, should persistent standing continue - something, of course, we were keen to avoid.

We offered supporters the opportunity to remain in Block 217 providing that they did not stand persistently or take the option to relocate their Season Ticket to another area of the stadium.

The safety of our supporters is of the highest importance to the Club, and we work with the stadium operator to ensure that our fans are not at risk in anyway. Extra measures, including additional stewards and the use of CCTV were deployed and every effort was made to find alternative measures and to ensure fans remained seated.

The Club has tried every avenue possible to avoid this eventuality, but following our communications and advice to supporters in this area, it is clear that a number of supporters in Block 217 continue to stand persistently. As a result, we have now been instructed by the SGSA and Licensing Authority that Block 217 will have to close on the grounds of safety. Should the Club not comply with the request, the Stadium risks losing the General Safety Certificate which would restrict our ability to play matches with supporters in attendance.

Despite this situation, we know you’ll be looking forward to an exciting end to the current season and looking forward with great optimism for the 2022/23 campaign. We would therefore like to provide you with an exclusive seat relocation window to ensure that you will have the option to purchase any current available seat on a seasonal basis from Monday 25 April.

A member of the Ticketing team will call you personally to discuss the options available to you. However, should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the team on 0333 030 1966, option ome. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

chav_corner 6:53 Wed May 4
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
And a quarter of them arent West ham supporters.

Ritchie9 4:19 Wed May 4
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Alwaysaniron 7:08 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium

"To be fair to the club it was those cunts that moved us to this shithole in the first place"

Where only 35000 could watch us. Now we have 60,000 watching us play far better football than many ever seeing at the Boleyn. Get over it. Safe standing is coming, in the meantime stand up when excited and sit down when not. That we we will keep 60,000 watching us.

What a strange reply.

Hammer91 12:38 Wed May 4
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Cor your a jumpy little cunt this morning alwaysaniron... alwaysaniron sounds about right. What part of what I said caused you to go on your tangent? I speak straight facts, it ain’t designed for football and half the stadium is full of mongs hence the reason it’s shit over there. I’ve put in as much time as anyone bar the bans pal so simmer down.... the notion that West Ham ain’t more than 90 mins and we’ve moved out and moved on is the real laugh here, don’t know what your talking about. For many of us we ain’t moved on becuase it meant/means so much to us, you clearly don’t feel the same.

Warchild 11:33 Wed May 4
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
"Now we have 60,000 watching us"

Except half of those can't actually see the action on the pitch properly.

Alwaysaniron 11:22 Wed May 4
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Hammer91 10:32 Wed May 4

"true West Ham is more than 90mins football" FMOB, did you sit there thinking of that vomit inducing line for long? This rose tinted view we have of the 'Old West Ham' where we all played with sticks and stones in cobbled streets of Bow went away with the fucking last smogs of the 50's and early 60's. Most fans don't live either near the Boleyn or even that fucking close to Stratford. We've moved out and moved on. Yes we still love our club, yes we still have the good old East End family mentality but don't give me such sycophantic bollocks about it being so much more than 90 mins. Half the time at UP most of the fuckers had upped and left before the end of each match because we were playing dog-shit week in week out! Longing for a past you probably aren't old enough to remember is laughable.

Hammer91 10:32 Wed May 4
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Alwaysaniron.... yeah 60,000 people in a stadium that ain’t designed for football, half of which are yuppies, opposing fans and Tiktokers. All in the wonderful surrounding area of Westfield shopping centre. Fuck if the football is better, true West Ham couldn’t give a toss, football is more than 90 minutes on the pitch.

On The Ball 11:40 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Not what I said, of course. I recall getting a letter at home about it but obviously everyone in the BML stayed standing. I've got a feeling it was a few people in Chav Corner that got banned - the SAG obviously forced the Club to make an example of some people. Regardless of whether it happened to your or your MATES, it did happen to people. Happens at other Clubs too.

And I will, thank you! My outfit is nearly complete....

Northern Sold 10:25 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
On the Ball... don't think I ever sat down in all the years we had season tickets.... yeah we got a couple of warning letters put on our seat that soon found their way onto the pitch... what was they going to do ban the whole of the BML.. cause none of us sat down... surprise you never noticed?? Then again I suppose noshing off a few of the board you not exactly facing the pitch... enjoy Eurovision sweetie....xx

On The Ball 7:51 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Northern Sold 6:46 Tue May 3

Well if it didn't happen to you then I suppose it must never have happened!

Except that every year people got sent letters threatening them with bans for persistent standing - and towards the end of UP I remember uproar on here when some people actually did get banned. Surprised it didn't happen to one of your many thousands of MATES.

Alwaysaniron 7:08 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium

"To be fair to the club it was those cunts that moved us to this shithole in the first place"

Where only 35000 could watch us. Now we have 60,000 watching us play far better football than many ever seeing at the Boleyn. Get over it. Safe standing is coming, in the meantime stand up when excited and sit down when not. That we we will keep 60,000 watching us.

Ritchie9 6:57 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
RichyP 3:53 Sat Apr 9
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
To be fair to the club, it is the SGSA and Newham Council as the safety licensing authority who are enforcing the closure of the block. They are the cunts in this.

To be fair to the club it was those cunts that moved us to this shithole in the first place.

Northern Sold 6:46 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
On The Ball…. 22 years a Season Ticket holder at UP… I never got turfed out of anywhere… just a lucky guy I suppose…

Pop Robson 6:22 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Is this to get the safety licence to add 2,500 more to the back rows ?

Alwaysaniron 5:29 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Northern Sold 1:21 Tue Apr 12

Sold in 'stuck record' mode

Give it a rest! It's dull.

⚒️ 5:17 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Sold in spouting bollocks shocker.

On The Ball 4:21 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Northern Sold 1:21 Tue Apr 12

You know that's completely wrong, don't you?

scott_d 4:10 Tue May 3
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
I was able to renew my season ticket and have had no correspondence with regards to the letter we received.

I heard they have banned the "persisant standers" from renewing in their current location but it's difficult to know what's going on.

Northern Sold 1:21 Tue Apr 12
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
Never had this problem at the Boleyn.... just saying like.....

Beckton Bill 1:00 Tue Apr 12
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
So, It turns out they are closing the section of 217 directly next to the away area and therefore I'm being turfed out of my seat!

Sounds like it's happening regardless of any safety concerns and more to do with how they are going to re-section off the ground to accommodate the bigger capacity.

Whats the betting they try to upsell us more expensive tickets?

Pedro 6:12 Sat Apr 9
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
A farce considering the away fans do the same on top tier.

Noticed they put out safe standing in that area though.

Leavemyarcelona 5:40 Sat Apr 9
Re: Closure of Block 217 at the London Stadium
There was standing in the upper tiers all round. Not season holders though.

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